Saturday, June 26, 2010

2 months, sounds about due for an update. LOTS has changed.

I have moved to Holden Beach, North Carolina! -squee- I moved more or less as a birthday present to myself, so that I could live with my better half. Two gigantic bags and a couple carry-ons later, and I'm here, and pretty well settled. We still need to pick up a little and get the house in order for the two of us living together, but it's otherwise going very well. Zane's family came down and stayed in a beach house on vacation the same weekend i flew in, so I got to spend some good time with them, too. Libby (Zane's mother) and Mary (his aunt) were giving me clothes and giving us silly amounts of food. The rest of his family is incredibly reminiscent to mine. I r happeh.

Because of the move, I obviously had to quit my job. Life is timing, because I was going to lose my job at the end of the month anyway! o.o. All of my fellow monitors also lost their jobs too, so I chose to move at a very opportune time. I found this out after i put in my two weeks.

Zane, Colin, Jeff, Boomer, Rae and I have also moved a couple of our toons to A-Deathwing. I moved my shaman (pretty totems <3) while the others moved their main toons. I enjoy Auriia too much as Horde to move her over, not to mention she'd lose all of the Argent Tournament stuff I worked so hard to get last summer. With that, I'm leveling a new priest. At this point i'm not certain if i'm going to move my other characters over as well, because we're trying to be as frugal as we can. Who knows.

Currently, Auriia is doing really well. 5700gs disc, 5600gs shadow. I do pretty competitive dps now in both 10/25s~. Lately i've been goofing around with Holy, and picking up some gear for holy as well, just as a change of pace.  Storycircle is kind of stuck in a rut. Mug'thol is notorious for entire raids falling apart at even the slightest hint of a wipe, as such I cannot get her into any ICCs with regularity. Solace of the Fallen either will not drop for me or goes to terribly undergeared healers. I really should just find a guild to raid with on my horde characters, but it's harder said than done.  My shaman on Deathwing isn't terribly geared either; all she's rocking right now is simple badge gear. I doubt I could get into runs with the boys unless we formed the groups ourselves. -shrug-

Saturday, April 24, 2010


How To Train Your Dragon : Wtfcuteamg. Toothless is adorable. If i could draw, he'd be swamped in fanart. I went and saw it with Zane this week (he's in Utah for the time being <3). I wanna see it again!

WoW is on hiatus indefinitely. I've pretty much played the shit out of that game, and now since I have no one to play with, I figured it would be a grand time to take a break. About fucking time, I'd say. 9/10 classes 70+. 6 80's. I think i'm good for a while now. I would like a Celestial Steed though. I dgaf if it's a sparkle pony and everyone and their mother's cat has one. I want one.

Been playing a lot of Pokemon, too. Currently working on Kanto in SoulSilver, and balancing out my team. I can now poke holes through any pokemon type except for normal. I'm not in competitive play though, so when am I gonna run into a Blissey? Never. The only normal pokemon I'll potentially have problems with will be Red's Snorlax at endgame, and that's not for a while. I'll just kick his teeth in with my Gardevoir anyway. She makes everyone cry <3.

Zane and I are flying back to NC on Monday. I'm excited to have someone flying with me. I think it'll be much less boring and I'll be all around happier latched onto his arm in the airport/airplane. I'm coming back May 14th, and that following week I'll have a sizeable chunk of overtime to take care of. Squee!

I'm about halfway done making my profile shop on Gaiaonline. I have most of my banners and a general layout planned already, and a couple profiles in the works that just need coding. All i need is the motivation to get it done. That's always the problem nowadays.  No motivations. I blame those videogame thingys. They're sucking away my will to do anything else but play.

Speaking of which, I've been playing on Forsaken RO lately. It sated my craving to play, and for some reason I wasn't instantly repulsed by RO's clunky controls and what not. Oh nostalgia, how I loff thee.

I've been kind of bummed lately over school (or lack thereof). It's just so incredibly daunting to find the right school, to know i'll have years of debt looming over my head, and to wonder if what I choose to major in will be what I want to pursue as a career. I just worry about everything when it comes to college, and I never get anything done. Hell, just thinking about it gives me panic-induced hiccups!

.....andi'mdone. <3